Locking Into Snowshoes and Unlocking the Potential of Food

Wednesday March 8th 2023, the West Nipissing Community Health Center (WNCHC) hosted a Snowshoe Social Event at the Rod N’ Gun Club. The event included a make your own trail mix session to celebrate Nutrition Month.

This year’s theme for Nutrition Month is “Unlocking the potential of food”.

Dietitians of Canada explains that by unlocking the potential of food, we unlock the potential to optimize our health and wellbeing. Food plays a massive role in our lives. Not only does food provide the nutrients and energy we need to function and to live; food also plays a role in how we socialize, how we celebrate, and how we uphold tradition. For example, a summer day in West Nipissing may be distinguished by a trip to the chip stand followed by an afternoon of picking strawberries at Leisure Farms.

With food being an immense component of our lives, navigating nutrition information can be challenging; this is especially true when trying to find trustworthy, evidence-based guidance that aligns with your health motivators.

Registered Dietitians

Dietitians of Canada highlights that Registered Dietitians are regulated health care professionals who can help you navigate the world of nutrition and provide individualized guidance that meets your needs. Dietitians hold degrees in Food and Nutrition, and they have received comprehensive training. Dietitians consider your medical history, culture, lifestyle, preferences, food access, and food literacy, to empower you to reach your health goals.

Reasons to see a dietitian may include: (1) preventing or managing health conditions such as high cholesterol, diabetes, kidney disease or high blood pressure; (2) managing digestive issues such as acid reflux, chronic constipation, Crohn’s disease, colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome; (3) navigating food allergies and intolerances; (4) seeking practical, sustainable, nutrition advice; and/ or (5) needing guidance on how to choose nutritious foods while keeping to a budget.

Dietitians play a key role in unlocking the potential of food to support the health and wellbeing of patients, clients, and communities.

Finding Registered Dietitians

As listed on the Unlockfood.ca website, Dietitians work in many areas including, hospitals, community health centers, family health teams, long-term care homes, private practices, and professional and varsity sports teams. Dietitians also work in policy development, in agriculture and in food development.

Access to dietitian services may be achieved through a doctor’s referral, by belonging to a Family Health Team or Primary Care Network, by checking your local health unit or community center for nutrition counselling services or workshops, by receiving home care services, or by living in a long-term care home. Dietitian services can also be accessed through private practices and these sessions may be covered by your health insurance.

If you are a client receiving primary care at the West Nipissing Community Health Center (WNCHC) or at the West Nipissing Family Health Team, you can call and book an appointment with their on-staff dietitian. The WNCHC also offers free, monthly, nutritional education sessions that are open to the public. The next nutrition presentation is Wednesday, March 22nd from 5:30-7:00 p.m. and a free meal will be provided to celebrate Nutrition Month. To register for this session call the WNCHC at 705-753-0151.  

In Ontario, you can also receive dietitian services by calling Health Connect Ontario toll-free at 8-1-1 or by visiting the Health Connect Ontario Website.

This March, unlock the potential of food by visiting unlockfood.ca and start your journey of optimizing your health and wellbeing! If you’re interested in snowshoeing but were unable to attend the event, rent snowshoes, cost free at the WNCHC and/or at the Cache Bay Library. For future events at the WNCHC, check out their website www.cscno-wnchc.org, or Facebook page.

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