Annual General Meeting – 2018

Elections 2018: The Corporation invites nominations for the appointment of directors to fill three (3) vacancies on the Board of Directors.

Monday, June 25th, 2018 at 6:30pm
West Nipissing Community Health Centre
68 Michaud Street, Sturgeon Falls

If you are interested in submitting your name for the elections of board members, you must:

  • Be bilingual, and a resident of West Nipissing
  • Be registered as a member at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting
  • Fill out an application and have two members in good standing of the WNCHC and residents of West Nipissing to second your application
  • Send in your application by June 15th 2018, at least ten days before the Annual General Meeting

Anyone can purchase a membership card at the AGM for a fee of $5 (annual), or in advance at the WNCHC at 68 Michaud Street, Sturgeon Falls.

Membership provides the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Membership does not include access to primary care services. To become a client at the WNCHC, you must submit an application.

pdfNotice of Annual General Meeting (PDF)

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